Michelle Bentz, known professionally as "HuxP", is a Western producer best known for her covers using Hatsune Miku's voicebank. Michelle has been producing Vocaloid music for 5+ years and released her first album in September of 2023.

© 2024 HuxP Music. All rights reserved.

AlbumReleasedNo. of tracks
vocarips8/24/20238 (+2 DX)
Miku + Michelle4/5/202416 (DX TBA)
michelle visibly irritated staring at a computer that says "are you sure you wanna publish this you big idiot? optioned are "yes!" or "no.".

Michelle Bentz, known professionally as "HuxP", is a Western producer best known for her covers using Hatsune Miku's voicebank. Michelle has been producing Vocaloid music for 5+ years and released her first album in September of 2023.